Designer, foodie and all around nerd.

UI/UX Project


Health Hive (A CareerFoundry Project)

Project in progress


Health Hive App

Create a health app from conception through high-fidelity prototyping utilizing the UI/UX design principals taught throughout the course. Begin with User Research to gain an idea of problems to solve and create 3 user flows to test and refine.

Designed in Figma

Creating Persona’s

Through user interviews, two persona’s were created to help guide the design direction of the health app. Utilizing this research in the beginning helped set the foundation to build our site map and address what our users want and problems they have from other competitor health apps.

Persona 1: Busy stay at home mom who is mainly focused on raising her child wants to start living a healthy lifestyle by watching what she eats and exercise more.

Persona 2: Recent collage graduate who is starting her career in the tech industry. She finds herself indulging in the free snacks and lunches at her work and going out to eat often with her coworkers.

Site Map

Based on the user research and persona’s that were created, a site map was created to see the different user flows and features the app will have. In this particular project, 4 user flows were going to be addressed. A login/onboarding screen, ability to add/track your food, edit your profile and a search feature.

Designed in Whimsical & FigJam

Low-Fidelity Mocks

Using the site map as a guide, I began to sketch out low-fidelity mock ups to ensure I covered all the user flows I wanted. There were multiple sketches during this process as I put myself in the shoes of the user to ensure the flow from beginning was logical and not confusing. As a designer, I also put thought into how the UI elements would look and where it would be placed as I was sketching out each flow

A total of 3 user flows were mocked up. Editing your profile, adding food into your food diary and a search function to easily find foods to add.

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

Translating low-fidelity wireframes into mid-fidelity to begin building out a prototype to test with users.

Prototype Link